





Creative Minds

We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you.


Graphic Designer


Creative photographer


3D Animator


Mentas is loaded with useful features, each one with its own meaningful purpose. We listen to our users and integrate their feature requests on a regular basis. Mentas is not only built by us, but also by our users.

We include an extremely advanced admin panel allowing users to quickly and easily customize the theme. These options are intuitive and very powerful and best of all are fun to use!

Our Goals

Impressive Template

We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you.

Tons of features

We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you.

Creative layout

We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you.

Our Skills


Our Services

If you are looking professional portfolio theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you. Enjoy using Mentas theme!


We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you.

Creative Ideas

We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you.


We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you.


“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

Mae West

Our Pricing

We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you.

$ 599


  • Creative Ideas
  • 1000 photos
  • Sound production
  • Video production
  • Post production
  • Consulting

$ 799


  • Creative Ideas
  • 2000 photos
  • Sound production
  • Video production
  • Post production
  • Consulting

$ 1599


  • Creative Ideas
  • 4000 photos
  • Sound production
  • Video production
  • Post production
  • Consulting


Please activate WooCommerce

Some fun facts

We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you.

48 596

Pictures Made

1 150

Cups of Coffe

3 999

Gifts presented

15 599

Happy Clients

From Blog

We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you.

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Zone sic in Gradina

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Peretii de apa bluConcept – de inchiriat pentru evenimente

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Armonie cu fantani si obiecte Feng Shui – CASA LUX iunie 2018

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Fantani in arhitectura moderna

Folosirea apei în arhitectură s-a diversificat, câștigând în complexitate. Primul spațiu realizat aproape integral din apă a apărut odată cu creația lui Isamu Noguchi. Mai târziu, odată cu digitalizarea şi transformarea formelor fluide în parametru de design, accentul se mută pe arhitectura fluidă, realizată din apă şi lumini.

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California CA
Mentas Inc.
Start Apple st. 54

+1 (800) 515 622 3122